Are your eggs organic?
Yes. Our eggs come from pasture-raised, free-range and cage-free hens eating organic corn and soybean meal. They are gluten free and do not contain any GMOs, hormones or antibiotics.
What is the difference in pasture-raised and free-range eggs?
Pasture raised and free range are similar because in both styles the hens do not live in cages and can go outside. However, the styles differ in the amount of outdoor space. Pasture-raised hens receive 108 square feet per bird, while free-range hens are only required to have 2 square feet per bird. At Equally Yolked Eggs we exceed expectations by giving our pasture-raised hens 108 square feet per bird, and our free-range hens 50 square feet per bird.
What is the difference in free-range and cage-free eggs?
Eggs labeled as free-range means the hens do not live in cages and an outdoor area is provided with at least 2 square feet per bird. At Equally Yolked Eggs, we exceed that expectation by providing 50 square feet per bird. Cage-free eggs are produced by hens who do not live in cages, so they are still humane and cruelty free, but they may not have access outside.